Saturday, October 21, 2006

More Republican Hypocrisy?

One Local Republican blogger seems inordinately concerned with the fact the Maryland Democratic Party has put up an anti-Chris Merdon website. What seems to really get his goat, is that the website doesn't identify itself as a production of the Ken Ulman Campaign, even though it's hosted at the same ISP as Ken Ulman's site. (Oh my G-d, what a scandle, the Democratic Party and the Ken Ulman campaign both use the same internet provider, Ken Ulman must be a very evil man indeed!!)

The same Republican Blogger opines that Ken Ulman's character is questionable because he is letting his party put up the anti-Merdon website instead of putting up this material on his own website. Interestingly, I don't see the same Republican blogger complaining that Sandy Schrader's character is questionable because the Howard County Republican Central Committe Chairperson called her Democratic Opponent (who served as a police officer for over 30 years!) a coward.


Anonymous said...

Steve, you are cracking me up. Do you really think those two things are remotely the same?

Ulman hid the fact until confronted by a reporter.

First you tell me I have chutzpah for suggesting such a thing and now you are trying to change the subject.

You're killing me...

Anonymous said...

Steve, I read this again and have to ask how well do you understand internet technology.

The Dem Party and Ulman don't use the same ISP. Ulman put up the site through his ISP and tried to hide behind the Democratic Party.

There are thousands of ISPs in the US. What are the chances that Ulman and the Dems use the same ISP?

Ulman uses Sonoma County Internet in California, and the Maryland Democratic Party uses RenneDevelopment, Inc in Washington, DC.

Brian should not have called Jim a coward. Ken should not be running a negative smear campaign.