Thursday, November 02, 2006

HayDuke Endorses Ulman, So Do I.

Hayduke's post is great, a must read!

I agree with Hayduke's post. Ken Ulman showed courage and leadership on the Future of Downtown. He has shown himself to be the thoughtful, substantive candidate. Sometimes, in the past, Ken's let his passion boil over. But I will take a guy who cares about the issues more than getting re-elected. What does Chris Merdon really care about?

Merdon on the other hand, has been very adept at telling everyone what they want to hear, but not really saying, or doing anything with real substance. Merdon's been able to capitalize on the anger of a few groups of citizens who are energized by local concerns rather than the greater good of the community or the County. For example, Merdon's getting some Democratic support from people who have yet to receive what they want out of the charette process (remember, its still an ongoing process), some people who are mad at a church being expanded in their neighborhood, and etc., etc, etc. Merdon's been making promises left and right, a tax cut there (for a key swing demographic), a middle school athletic program there, laptop computers here, but never explains how he will pay for it. In short, Merdon's playing to the what's-in-it-for-me-crowd, while Ken is trying to build the community and foster the common good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really nice when Democratic Bloggers act like Democrats and Republican Bloggers act like Republicans.

It has an air of honesty to it.